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Get to know me!

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About me!

My home page, is dedicated to Mario & Nintendo! I remember the long hours I played Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64, so much fun! I wanted to have fun doing this webpage... Mission accomplished!

One of my greatest motivations in life is my family. I love spending time with my wife and daughter. They make me laugh, and make me a better person.

I've spend the last four years learning and improving my coding skills. Mostly Javascript, ReactJS and NextJS

If I'm not coding in my free time, I'm probably cooking for my family or watching/reading about horror, LOVE Korean horro and Stephen King!. I also like watching sports, mainly NFL (GoHawks!)

If you have the same interests, let's connect

P.S. You need to find the two hidden Marios 😁

Work Experience

I'm a hardworking General Manager in the Health Industry with 6+ years of experience managing, and developing people.

My determination to succeed led me to increase sales and customer satisfaction, while increasing productivity with strategic project management methods.

My background in different industries has given me a lot of experience, giving you proof that I can adapt, and now, I'm ready to make my last career change as a web developer. I've finally found my calling.

I've always thought that learning is a never-ending process, and being a developer with my desire to learn and increase my problem-solving skills.

My motto is always to add value. I can tell you that wherever I end up, I'll continue to bring value.

Hope to hear from you! I'm open to move to another country and work on-site!

Click on the box!

super mario ghost like

CSS & TailwindCSS 4+ Years

super mario flower like

Javascript 4+ Years

super mario hongo like

ReactJS 3.5+ Years

super mario star like

SEO 5+ Years

super mario moneda.svg like

Management and Problem-solving Skills 10+ Years

super mario caracter

My projects

NOTE that this projects are coded on my own, they are not coding tutorials

You can look at the code of this website here

CherryStripes - The best habit forming App

My first fullstack Web App. I created this app to build better habits.

Front End is coded with NextJS, TailwindCSS, Firebase (Auth), and Firestore.
The backend is coded in NodeJS and uses CronJob for Serverless functions.

It has several features, including ChatGPT API as personal helth coach, RAPIDAPI DB for exercises, a cool feature that helps you create challenges with friends, sends a daily SMS and Email (serverless cronjob) reminder to work on your habits.

Click here to see the app live.
Code available upon request

Figma Clone App

You can see other users live collaboration with cursor chat, comments, reactions, and canvas design; just like Figma!

Uses NextJS, TypeScript, Fabric JS for Canva, LiveBlocks for user interactivity, TailwindCSS for styling and Radix UI for components.

Click here to see the app live. Code is available in github here

Google Maps API

First great solo project to start TypeScript with lots of roadblocks!

Searching for apps in TypeScript, I visited a blog that talked about functionalities that you need to know, one of them was working with Google API. I encountered many roadblocks because documentation is out of date and most examples / tutorials are outdated. Took a lot of research inside type definition file!

Uses TypeScript, FakeJS for data (user, company and position), Google MAPS API, and inline styling.

Code is available in github here


I created this app to get manage Prettan in a more structured way. Everything was done in Excel.

Manages sales, products and clients. Uses Firebase Auth, Firestore as backend and uses user roles. Video example is a duplicate of the demo, it uses admin role.

Click here to see the app live. You can use the app with as email and test123 as password
Code is available in github here

Fullstack messaging app using Firebase / Firestore as backend

This was my final project in Digital House (previously Acamica). It is hosted in Netlify & no libraries were used.

Project did not require mobile version, you may find CSS code that can be addapted

Uses Google Firebase Auth. You can even test it 😅

Click here to see the app in your browser.
Code is available in my Github Account

My personal Blog about NFL

Personal Blog built with ReactJS, GraphQL, NextJS, TailwindCSS and hosted in Vercel

This was my first experience with backend. Great first project, learned a lot.

Click here to see the app in your browser.
Code is available in my Github Account

My own Expense tracker Firebase / Firestore as backend

I coded my own personal expenses tracker. Uses ReactJS with React Router. User Login is necessary.

You can tickets for income & expenses, filter by dates, and a simple financial report

For obvious reasons code and website is not available

Bienestar con Prettan React App

This is was my first solo React App

Bienestar con Prettan is a web app that displays the products and uses Youtube's API to render their latest videos.

Click here to see the app in your browser.
Note: It's in Spanish, and code is not available due to confidentiality agreement (Clients Youtube API Keys)

Gogobits - Translation services

This is a website I builded for a startup that didn't work out. It is hosted in Netlify.

This website is coded in Javascript and uses EmailJS for Form and detects users language to adjust from and to Spanish/English. Fully responsive website.

Click here to see the site live.
Code is available in my Github Account

PROJECT GIPHOS - GIF searching App

This is was my first complex React App during the Digital House Bootcamp.

GIPHOS is a web app that uses API-JSON method and design was given by Digital House

It is hosted in CodesandBox, and click here to see the app in your browser.
Note: It's in Spanish

Did you find the two hidden Marios?

Contact me

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